Help Center of the "DVD Player+ Phone edition" application.
14 July of 2021
DVD Player+ version > 13.1 : No special requirement . From the app select "Remote Control" and press on the Start Playback. Then you have two options: Either you scan the generated QR code with your phone's camera (it will auto-open the Phone's browser and it will auto-connect with the DVD Player+ application), or you navigate to the webpage:
There, you have to type the 9-digitConnection Code that the DVD Player+ application has generated for you. This connection code lasts a few minutes only. It is generated and active only when you choose to connect your phone. If you change your mind later, you can always stop any remote connection from the same application menu option. This will stop any connection from your phone to your PC.
DVD Player+ version < 13.1 : The only requirement (or limitation, call it as you prefer) that the DVD Player+ has, is that the Windows PC that plays the DVD Disk and the Smartphone you use for Remote Control Playback must be connected on the same network.
A few words: Thus, in a home connectivity scenario which is the most usual for our app. users, there exists one external network line for the Home's Internet, that goes to a Network Router.
Router on Home - Plug Ethernet cable from PC
From the Router, the Windows PC is connected to it either through a cable wire (if it is a Desktop PC), or through WiFi (if it is a laptop). A laptop of course, can be connected by two ways, either by WIFI or with the use of a cable (if it has a built-in network card).
Laptop - Plug the Ethernet cable coming from the router.
On the other hand, almost all smart phones or tablets are connected to the same network through a WiFi connection to the same router.
All the above possible cases, Dektop/Laptop with WiFi or cable and phones/tablets are suitable for our connectivity requirement.
Multiple Network Connections ?
No problem ..
,One should ask what will happen if any of the involved devices (the Windows PC or the smartphone) has another active open connection than the Wifi that we need.
The answer is: No problem at all !
The connectivity scenario we discuss, describes the required connection that the DVD Player+ application needs to handle the remote playback. Thus, the Windows PC may have simultaneously two or more active network connections (e.g. one through Ethernet cable with the router and one through Wifi) and the Phone may have together two connections: one Wifi connection with the Home Router and one with the Mobile Carrier of the phone.
In both cases, the DVD Player+ will use the WiFi connections for both devices. In fact, you will choose the network connection to use for the Windows PC. The DVD Player+ phone edition will auto-use the Wifi connection!
Same Network Requirement:
an example connection ..
Example of a Connection at home!
Example of a wireless connection at home: The Laptop and the Phone are both running the DVD Player+ (Windows 10 and Android edition). They are both wireless connected to the same Wifi hotspot (e.g. to the Home's Router that holds the Internet Connection) and their IP addresses, usually, are different only on the last digits.
The above IP's are provided only to showcase the example. In a real life scenario the IP addresses are provided from the WiFi Hotspot and you can't handle them directly. You only have to connect your laptop and your phone on the same network!
Network Connections Supported:
The logic diagram of the two different cases that the app supports:
WiFi only: the Windows PC is a laptop and it is connected through WiFi to the Router. The smartphone is connected to the same network through WiFi also. The router is not required to be on the same room with the two devices.
Wire & WiFi: the Windows PC is a Desktop PC and it is connected to the router through a cable wire. The smartphone is connected to the same network through WiFi. The router is not required to be on the same room as the two devices, but the desktop pc must have a large length cable to plug in to the router.
Enough words. Let's take some action now:
If you have both the PC and the Phone connected to the same network, then you are able to actually start the Remote Control Connection.
Click below to move to the first Step where you allow your Windows PC to acceptRemote Connections for control of the DVD Movie playback!