First of all we must welcome you to our first article of our new series in the website, named “Vision and 3D understanding”. Here we will try to present in short terms a l brief explanation of how our eyes and the vision works and how the 3D technology uses this.
We will start by ask you to make a small experiment. You don't need a PC or something special to carry with. This will help you realize the way each of your eyes see and how you understand the world and the objects around you.
Step 1
1. An emtpy box on a table
Sit on your chair in front of a desk. Then, place a small object in the table in front of you.
For example use a box, a bottle of water or a pc mouse.
Now, stay still and try to focus on it, just when you try to remember something. This is what you actually see. One picture of a box.
Step 2
2. The left-eye view of the box (the right eye is closed).
Then, without moving your arms or your body, and while you keep staring on the object, close your right eye with your right hand, so only your left eye stays open and look again the object. Switch the view by closing and opening the view with your hand.
You will see how the object is appearing different as you see only the left-eye view. The view as described will look similar to the next image (2).
You will soon realize that you actually see a different perspective of the object. If you concentrate on its borders you will understand quickly.
Step 3
3. The right-eye view of the box (the left eye is closed).
Now, repeat the same by closing your left eye with your left hand.
Again, you see the object from a different point of view, just like the next image (3). This is what is actually your right eye see.
If you place your hands on your chicks, try to switch immediately from only the left eye open to only the right eye open. You will soon realize that if you combine the two views (left and right) you will finally get the final view. The view that everyday, all-day our eyes captured. The following diagram describes what exactly our eyes do separately, acting like two different cameras that capture frames continuously.
4. Our brain combines the two views in one, automatically.
This final view is the sum of the two views that our eyes capture. This process is done by our eyes all the time, everyday (except when we are sleeping of course). We don't realize it, as the normal thing for us is to always accept and understand only the final view that consist of both views. Our brain is doing this sum automatically and that's the way we view the world around us.
Brain Processing ...
Our brain is pretty good in analyzing the two pictures and to summarize the final view. Apart from this, our brain adds some missing "parts" to the whole picture. Parts that coming from our experience, that have to do with our knowledge about the things we see. Plus, another part of our brain takes into account some history knowledge about the things we see, feelings, fears, memories, etc… Finally, our brain also adds the depth to the picture we see.
5. A PC screen, looking in front of it!
For example, imagine that you look a pc screen from the front point of view (image 5). All of you, will be pretty sure that the screen is not thin as a white paper, but it has some depth behind it. This happens because our brain has already see many screens in our life and we know that all screens have depth.
The above also explains why the babies when they are about 6 months old, cannot understand the depth in things. For example, if you stand in front of a six- months baby and you hide your face with your hands, and then open them, the baby understands that you have disappear. Try the same with a colorful object. Place it in front of the baby's view and hide it with your hand. Then open it again. Check the baby's reaction and his surprise. This happens because the babies of this age, although they have a clear view already, they are lack of knowledge for the world and the things around them (ps: when they born they see blurry everything). Most of them haven't yet discover that they can go behind a table, because at this age usually they don't walk. Walking and discovering will be their next exciting everyday game!
3D Anaglyph .... (to be continued)
But, what this have to do with the 3D? Hmmm, that's exactly the point. Remember when we talk about the two different views that our eyes collected? Right now we have to clarify what is a 3D view. A 3D photo that can be viewed with the special glasses.