...the privacy policy for ALL our Trading Tools...
Mobility in Life Applications respects the privacy of your personal information and the preferences you use in our apps. This privacy policy is in effect since April 17, 2024. It summarizes what information we might collect and what we will and will not do with it. We reserve the right to change this policy as we deem necessary. The current policy is always available at: https://www.mlapplications.com/tradingtools_privacy.html
All the above webpages, extensions, or mini-applications, are accesible through your browser or inside the app. The Binance pairs that you acess using any type of search, filter, ordering inside these applications is never collected nor is any personal information. All your personal preferences for search, filters, searches, watch history, etc. is never collected outside the browser, nor is distributed to any other third party outside this. Everything that you do is stay inside the browser and is never transmitted, posted or anything like that outside it.
The screeners, use your browser "local storage" and they only store cookies about the last pair you have visited, or the order of a list in the screener. This info is stored in yours browsers storage and stays there, inside your browser, inside your PC. That's why the mini-Screener extensions requires the permission to use the "Storage" capability in order to provide access to you into your latest preferences. The website/app's are reading this info when loading and display your latest "preference" settings. .