Many users received the notification multiple times, because of an internal error on the notification system. We apologize for the incovinience!! We are really sorry for this...
13 March of 2019
Mobility in Life Applications TEAM, is requesting your personal help to help us keep the application free forever and to continue the support and the expansion of the app with new features.
If you like the DVD Player+ we are kindly request you to rate our app on the Microsoft Store. It is important for the app's health to have your review or rating (either positive or negative).
Click on the button below to open the DVD Player+ rating page on the official Microsoft Store:
Click the button to rate the app on the MS Store!
On the other hand, if you find problems with the app, of any kind, or even more, if you find bugs on it, we are kindly request you to report them to us. Since now, and based on other users feedback, over 8 different bugs/limitations have been identified and fixed with newer app versions.