If you are located in U.S. then, in order for the Screener+ to run properly, you must use a VPN connection that bypass the IP-location restriction from Binance to US. The reason is that Screener+ uses (in real-time) the official websockets API from the Binance exchange. This affects both the web and the browser-extension editions.
Quick help for available options ...!
Below we discuss the different options that are available on version 1.2 of the Screener+ application (web edition & extension edition):
If you are familiar with Screeners, then probably most of the options are obvious.
The table column headers (Symbol, Price, Mark Price, etc) are all clickable and sort the whole table data, either on asceding or desceding order, based on the type of data.
For each pair you will see a button "Liquidations". This button will pop-up a graph that contains the liquidations that happened on the specific pair the latest 48 hours, without leaving the page (taken from official Binance data).
The Column Visibility drop-down option is to enable/disable columns on the table. There are more than 29 different data fields you can see (!!).
Column reorder is available: You can move a column to the left or the right by if you click and drag the column's header.
The fields: Mark Price and Price are different. You can read about the difference in the Binance official page that explains this.
The liqudations happened on a specific pair the latest 24h.
Usage - Examples - Tips ...!
(latest version: 1.2, Release Date: April 25, 2024)
Some mini - tips from us, how you can use the Screener:
Do you want to quickly find how is the current market trending? Click on the "24h %" column and order descending. Scroll down and if you see a lot of green percentages then the market is in general positive (trending up). If the red are more than green, then the opposite happens. Quite obvious....
If you want to find out the pairs that are moving near their Top or Bottom (in the last 24h window), then do it like the .gif below:
Click the "24h %" column with order descending. The green pairs will go up. Then, scroll down to identify coins where the "D24hH" is small (less than 1%).
The opposite for low. "24h %" column with order ascending. Find the coins where the "D24hL" is small (less than 1%)
The "D24hH" means: the distance from where the price is now, compared to the latest 24h Highest value, as a percentage. The smaller this value, means the coin is very close to the highest 24h price.
The opposite for "D24hL" the distance from the price to the lower value the last 24h, expressed as a percentage (%).
Mini - tips from us (continued..):
Do you want to quickly find which coin has waken-up in real-time? Just click on the "Ticks 1m" column and order descending. The most tradeable coin in the last seconds (the "window" you see is from 5 to 55 seconds = mean value 30s. ) Trust me, it's the faster we have see around in ANY OTHER screener.
Do you want to identify how many trades (ticks) a coin has (and the rythm of it during time) in the last 15min or 1h? Just place three columns "Ticks 1m" , "Ticks 5m" and "Ticks 15m" one next to the other. Compare the values. Sort by "Ticks 1m". If the other two are low, it means the coin just wake up.
The exact same principle goes for the "Volume" columns. You can identify the most volume in terms of USD values.
Do you want to quickly find how traders are positioned (most long or short)? Use in the same view the "Funding Rate %" column. Click once to apply a desceding order. Near the top results you will see how many coins have traders who are mostly long. Click again and check the opposite. How many coins have traders who have short positions.
If you think that we have forgot something, or if there is something extra that you may want to add, please, share it with us either through email:
mil.applications [ at ] hotmail.com
Best regards, the Mobility in Life Applications TEAM